Discussion in 'General Information' started by Markus Broch, Feb 21, 2021.

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  1. Ricardo Edelmann

    Ricardo Edelmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V. P1 Steward

    Admin Post
    rF2 Update

    We updated our servers to the new Build 1125. We need as many people on the servers from now on as we can get to check for critical errors in the new build. The new build implements a few important features and according to Studio 397, the new build should have no new bugs regarding endurance races. If you encounter critical errors please let us and S397 know. Final decision about the used build will be made friday (23.07.2021) evening and published in the forums and in this conversation.


    We will have a mandatory briefing before the qualification session at 11:45 UTC on Saturday.
    Please make sure that at least one driver of your team is present in the briefing room at 11:45 UTC.

    Attached to this message is our official briefing document. The most important notes about the briefing and the race are in this document. Please hand it out to your drivers.

    Attached Files:

    Gerhard Lindauer and Adam Helyes like this.
  2. Ricardo Edelmann

    Ricardo Edelmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V. P1 Steward

    Admin Post
    rF2 Update

    We updated our servers to the new Build 1125. We need as many people on the servers from now on as we can get to check for critical errors in the new build. The new build implements a few important features and according to Studio 397, the new build should have no new bugs regarding endurance races. If you encounter critical errors please let us and S397 know. Final decision about the used build will be made friday (23.07.2021) evening and published in the forums and in this conversation.


    We will have a mandatory briefing before the qualification session at 11:45 UTC on Saturday.
    Please make sure that at least one driver of your team is present in the briefing room at 11:45 UTC.

    Attached to this message is our official briefing document. The most important notes about the briefing and the race are in this document. Please hand it out to your drivers.

    Attached Files:

  3. Rene Demouchy

    Rene Demouchy Member

    I’m sorry to be so late in warning, but we have a driver who can’t be here, and I personally can’t do the two-man race. I therefore wish to withdraw the participation of the car GTE #112 LTGP eSports. Thank you for your understanding and the work of the organization. again my apologies. Cordially.
  4. Jon Uyan

    Jon Uyan Well-Known Member

    @Simon Christmann are we allowed to list a reserve driver? I understand a reserve driver can not replace a driver that already driven in the race but in case of a problem with a driver that is yet to drive.
    If so, where can we list this driver?
  5. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    you can specify up to 5 drivers in the team so the fifth could be the reseve driver
  6. Jon Uyan

    Jon Uyan Well-Known Member

    I was implying a 6th driver actually. To be called in only if we have a problem with one or two regular drivers.
  7. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    We will use B1025 (new release) for the race tomorrow
  8. Eric Torres Delgado

    Eric Torres Delgado New Member

    Do we have race discord tomorrow or Ts? because I can't find anything, thanks a greeting
  9. Ricardo Edelmann

    Ricardo Edelmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V. P1 Steward

    Admin Post
    We are using a teamspeak. You can find the join button if you click on forums and watch the right side. :)
    Eric Torres Delgado likes this.
  10. Eric Torres Delgado

    Eric Torres Delgado New Member

    Well the race is over for us, the engine of our Porsche has not lasted any longer, fun race what I have run, my first race here in P1, we will see you at the next event, thanks to all the organizers and track mates.
    Markus Broch and Adam Helyes like this.
  11. Apologize to the team SPEEDYMITE RACING #709 for the incident yesterday, it was not my intention that we collided, but I was on a dry tire and I did not see that I had not surpassed you when I did not respect the space

    Shawn Jacobs and Markus Broch like this.
  12. Nico Maimo

    Nico Maimo Member

    I would like to thank the organizers on behalf of our crew, we are all very happy to have been able to participate in this superb event, our goal was to have fun, experience and end these 24 hours.
    We also thank and congratulate all the competitors with whom we shared the track, it was a real pleasure.
    Thank you again to all, see you soon:)
    Markus Broch likes this.
  13. Tonnie Jansen

    Tonnie Jansen Member

    What a beautiful, well organized race we had this weekend. All the ingredients and surprises were there.

    Especially the rain right at the start, who would have expected that!

    Directly behind, because we had soft tires on it and had to make a pit stop.

    To have such an epic battle for 4th place in the last laps was a gift.

    On behalf of #157 DSG MOTORSPORT thank you to everyone who made this great race what it has become.

    If you still have a spot for us in p1LMS, I look forward to receiving the invitation.
    Markus Broch and Alex Braeutigam like this.
  14. Gerhard Lindauer

    Gerhard Lindauer Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    A big thank you to everyone involved. The broadcast was great, a great mix of commentators. The technical guys, we had no-issues through-out the 24 hours, something not every community can provide. The live-stewards for putting up with protests over the race.
    All teams and drivers involved who shared the track with us. Overall, it was mostly fair on lapping and getting lapped as well as battles for positions.

    Of course, SIMMSA Esports is very happy winning the 24 hours. What a tough race it was in that weather (personally I was quite happy just supporting our drivers and not having to take the wheel :D).

    A full race-report from our side can be found on FB.

    We are already looking forward to next round of P1LMS and the start of the Porsche Cup season. See you on track very soon :)
    Shawn Jacobs and Markus Broch like this.
  15. Andreas Jo

    Andreas Jo New Member

    Many thanks to the organization for this mega awesome event!
    Congratulations to the winners and to all participants who persevered !!
    big greetings !
    Andreas Jo (Rennsimulanten)
    Markus Broch likes this.
  16. Thanks to the organization

    Amazing job , amazing comunnity
    Markus Broch likes this.
  17. Thanks to P1 for holding up that race, thanks @Simon Christmann for perfect server-work!
    Amazing to see Markus and Daniel in that virtual studio :D

    I only have two things to complain about:
    - day night cycle has been a little bit disturbing, next time please set ingame starting time 3 hours later, and it would be perfect :)
    - way to less rain during the race!!!! Next time please use a local (home-)weather station and use a flower sprayer on it from time to time ;)

    See you in the next one!
    Markus Broch likes this.
  18. Gerhard Lindauer

    Gerhard Lindauer Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Does anyone have a replay file from the start-stint? My game crashes with the serverreplay. Would really appreciate it, as our starting driver didn't record the replay.
  19. Sebastian Pfeiffer

    Sebastian Pfeiffer Active Member

    Congratulations to all survivors, who conquered 24h in difficult, changeable conditions. Especially to Black Hawk Racing and Simmsa for winning their respective classes. :)

    Unfortunately as our team was basically completely unavailable this weekend, we couldn't fight for top honors this time. At least one Rennsimulanten car was able to start - and of course finish - the race. Well done to our LMP2-guys. ;)

    Didn't have time to watch a lot of the stream aswell, but nice to see P1 Gaming further trying to step up the game in simracing streaming with a virtual studio and detailed reporting before the race etc. Doesn't go unnoticed. :)
  20. David Tepper

    David Tepper Active Member

    i should have the startreplay
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