Discussion in 'General Information' started by Markus Broch, Feb 21, 2021.

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  1. Rene Demouchy

    Rene Demouchy Member

  2. Eric Fouti-Loemba

    Eric Fouti-Loemba New Member

    [QUOTE = "Simon Christmann, post : 14216, membre : 3"] Dans la barre de navigation, sous les informations sur les événements spéciaux, vous avez un lien vers l'entrée Change Class Drivers / Car. Lorsque vous l'utilisez, vous pouvez modifier votre voiture.
    Moici je fais la modification ce soir.
  3. Jozef-Frederik Suto

    Jozef-Frederik Suto New Member

    BH Racing
    Team Manager:
    Jozef Frederik Sütő
  4. Jon Uyan

    Jon Uyan Well-Known Member

    @Simon Christmann CMS Pro #111 Ferrari F488 GTE skin submitted. Let me know (when you get a chance) if everything is in order, please.

    Also, thanks for the addl post about pit stop values in https://p1-simracing.net/index.php?forums/race-information.29/
    But, although the tire change value is "0" (so it is not concurrent) the P1 server is set to concurrent as we tested yesterday in warmup and race sessions and tires were changed with fuel at the same time.
    Assuming race server is not set to this value yet, correct?
    Just trying to make sure what it is going to be in the race.
  5. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    There is only original content on the Le Mans servers without pit stop adjustments. And our changes will be the first time deployed with the skin pack.
    You could only test this by joining a P1LMS server.
    Nick Newcombe and Jon Uyan like this.
  6. Felix Schendel

    Felix Schendel New Member

    Just an information for you guys. The skins by the skin submission page are posted at the last years 24h Nordschleife event.
  7. Anton Zschemisch

    Anton Zschemisch New Member

    we log off as a team because we drivers jump onto another car.
    Team name: Placeholder Motorsport # 666
    Car: BMW m8 GTE
  8. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    thank you, we have not renamed it.
  9. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Team was deleted
  10. Valenfield

    Valenfield New Member

    I would like to sign up but i don't have a team mate... can i register by myself for now till i find someone or is there any team willing to pick me up?
  11. David Tepper

    David Tepper Active Member

    sadly we have to whitdraw the #556 entry
  12. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    team was deleted, I wish you full man power on the #555
  13. Jan Wenninger

    Jan Wenninger Member

    Sadly we have to withdraw the #737 SiFaT Performance entry...very sad about it but we just cant make it happen...
  14. Markus Broch

    Markus Broch Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    team was deleted
  15. Moriz Mehl

    Moriz Mehl Active Member

    Ich muss mich entschuldigen, ich habe leider die deadline für die skin submission verpasst. Wäre es eventuell möglich unser skin aus der P1LMS zu verwenden? Die Start-Nummer wäre sogar identisch. Danke!
  16. Alex Woitala

    Alex Woitala Administrator Staff Member P1GTS Organizer P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Moriz Mehl and Markus Broch like this.
  17. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Changed Rules 7.5.2

    It is not allowed to press ESC in the qualifying outside of the pitlane. If you press ESC outside of the pitlane your qualifying is over.
  18. David Lespes

    David Lespes New Member

    Hi, it seems that the manufacturers logos have been removed from skin pack. This is the case for all car models.
    Will it be fixed for the race please ?
    Because that's not very cool on the TV overlay :(

    Mathieu Leclerc likes this.
  19. Simon Christmann

    Simon Christmann Administrator Staff Member P1 gaming e.V.

    Admin Post
    Yes. Its already fixed. I will update the server when there are not so many drivers practicing. Either later this evening or tomorrow morning.
  20. Last edited: Jul 22, 2021
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